Trained by the World-Renowned Laser Therapist, Our proven program has a 85%-95% success rate, what are you waiting for ? Struggling to quit? Our "Stop Smoking" program is designed to help you stop for good! Using the most leading technology cold laser/PBM therapy to reduce overcome nicotine dependence withdrawal and craving symptoms. Our program is designed to each and every person's tailored needs to ensure success!
Our addiction treatment program is designed for those with a substance use disorder. We use cold laser/PBM therapy to reduce cravings for drugs including alcohol.
Let's kick Curb cravings for sugar and carbohydrates by promoting the natural release of endorphins. Cold Laser/PBM Therapy can help promote a healthier relationship with food's and you .
Promote natural 'feel good' endorphins with our Stress Reduction Program. Suitable for those with Anxiety, PTSD and co-morbidities such as Autism and ADHD.
Because cold laser therapy works on the endorphins and other chemicals in your system, it can help with hormonal problems, menopause-related conditions and mood swings. While its effects on chronic conditions have not been thoroughly tested, we have had some clients who confirm that, with the right attitude towards long-term recovery, low-level laser therapy also helps with these.
A few things that cause ED
Low testosterone
Restless legs syndrome (RLS)
Chronic illness
Sleep problems
Low self-esteem
Too little (or too much) exercise
Drug use
Failure to perform due to ED can trigger feelings of depression, self-esteem issues, and poor body image.
The cold laser therapy works on the endorphins and other chemicals in your system to help aid ED.
1. What is Laser Therapy? Cold Light/PBM
The Program embraces a smoking cessation intervention, Addictions Treatment Program, Stress and Mental Health Treatments Insomnia & Emotional control, Weight Loss (Food Disorders), Hormone health & Menopause Treatment's and Relaxation Treatments which involves the application of a cold, noninvasive pain free laser beam to specific energy points of the body. This stimulates your body’s melatonin production/hormone levels and endorphins naturally without medication, which help relieve discomfort and stress, associated with smoking cessation. Through guidance, individuals are supported to focus on the lifestyle changes.
2. What is Laser Therapy?
Laser Therapy is the application of a cold non-evasive laser beam to specific energy energy points.
3. How can Laser Therapy help me stop smoking?
It is believed that nicotine releases endorphins, which give the smokers a sense of relaxation when smoking stops, the sudden, drop in endorphin levels lead to withdrawal symptoms. Laser therapy helps reduce the craving, stress and restores the balance.
4. Can Laser Therapy alone help me stop smoking?
Anne Penman Laser Therapy is combined with guidance, plus back up support to maximize your success.
5. Is the laser safe?
Yes, completely because it is non-invasive.
6. Is it really painless?
Yes it is a cold beam so there is no sensation or discomfort.
7. Where is the laser applied?
The laser is applied to energy points on the hands, ears, nose and wrists.
8. Is the guidance on a one-to-one or in a group?
It is a one to one session. This guidance focuses on self-belief and positive thinking that can help clients manage lifestyle changes.
9. What is offered in the Program?
As well as the laser procedure we offer the guidance, and back up support in the form of a hour telephone helpline.
10. Why is a helpline necessary?
The helpline is there for your extra comfort and support.
11. When can I call the helpline?
A telephone helpline is available 7 days per week and is focused on individual need.
12. How many sessions will I need?
We offer a Program consisting of different amount of sessions because for many smokers it is not stopping which is difficult but becoming a happy and contented non-smoker. The extra sessions are offered to support your lifestyle change.
13. How long is each session?
The first session lasts one hour and follow up sessions take 30 minutes.
14. Will I stop after my first session?
Yes and the further sessions are offered to support you after you stop.
15. When do I have the follow-ups sessions?
The second session is recommended within 2/3 days after your first session and if required the third session will be arranged between you and your Therapist.
16. I have been smoking for over 30/40/50 year’s will
this work for me?
It does not matter how long you have been a smoker or how many you smoke this program can help. The most important thing you need is to want to give up.
17. Are there any medical reasons why I can’t have
this treatment?
You cannot use the laser therapy if you are pregnant, have a pacemaker or are currently receiving treatment for cancer.
18. Will I see the same Therapist on each visit?
Whenever possible that you will see the same Therapist but remember all our Therapists are trained to a very high standard and will be able to help you.
19. Is the therapy guaranteed to work?
No it is not guaranteed. The Program has worked for many thousands of clients and added to your determination it can help you stop smoking for good.
20. Do I get a refund if I am not successful?
No, it is not the company policy to offer a refund. This treatment does what it is supposed to. This is a life style change, and some people can’t or won’t succeed, but with the follow up and support we offer YOU can decide you outcome.
21. Do I need to be referred by my doctor?
No, we welcome referrals from doctors but it is not necessary for you to have the Therapy.
22. I am diabetic/suffer from heart disease? Can I still use the laser?
Yes, because the laser is non-evasive and drug free.
23. What is the success rate?
We have a very high success rate and although we don’t have clinical evidence our 1 month follow up shows 64%-95% of our clients are still smoke free. 3 clients quit easily, 4th client needs a little extra guidance, 5th client may have a more difficult time , but with our program we can get you there whatever your needs may be.
24. Will I put on weight when I stop?
Not necessarily if you follow the guidance in the Program.
25. Will I be able to drive after my treatment?
Yes, the treatment will not affect anything you could or would normally do.
26. Do I need to remove my clothes to have the therapy?
You are not required to remove any clothing.
27. My doctor has never heard of this therapy.
Please have your doctor call our office and speak to one of our Therapists.
28. Do I need to prepare in any way for my therapy?
No, we suggest you have your last cigarette just before your appointment.
29. Do I need make an appointment?
We accept walk in appointments but we do recommend you make an appointment.
30. Can I bring my children with me?
No. The therapy is relaxing and for you to enjoy without distraction.
31. I have tried everything on the market and failed.
Why will this work for me?
Jenna K. was a very heavy smoker for many years and tried lots of different methods. She believes this can work for you because you will have the laser to help with the withdrawals; the guidance to help you understand what happens when the body becomes nicotine free and helpline for back up support.
32. Have you any statistical evidence to support the Program?
Yes, data is collected at 1 month, 3 months and 12 months.
33. Can the Program be used with other smoking cessation interventions?
Yes, it can be used with all other smoking cessation interventions.
34. Can it be carried out at other locations?
Yes, all that is required is a quiet comfortable room.
35. Do you do home visits?
No, we believe that for the Program to be successful it should be provided within a professional environment, i.e. the workplace and doctor’s clinics and our own therapy clinics.
36. Is it a good idea for the company to pay the full
cost of the therapy?
It may be more successful if the client pays the initial fee and agrees with the client that if they remain smoke free for a jointly agreed period of time they will refund the cost. It can also be agreed that the company pays part of the fee as an encouragement to help the smoker quit.
37. I love my sister/mother/father/brother/husband/wife/son/
daughter and would like to give them a gift token for
the therapy, is that a good idea?
Yes, but give the token and allow them to make their own appointment and arrange the best time for to stop smoking.
38. What is carbon monoxide testing?
By conducting the test we can demonstrate to clients the effect of C.O. in their body, and explain to them how a change of habit and lifestyle can benefit them.
39. Will I leave not wanting a cigarette?
Many of our clients will leave not wanting a cigarette but every smoker is different and that is why we have created a Program of more than one session.
40. What is an endorphin?
An endorphin is the body’s natural chemical we have that deals with stress and pain and the "feel Good feeling".
41. Why do I have to complete the paperwork?
The paperwork is for you to consent to having the therapy and also as part of an IIRB study. World wide Statistics.
42. Are their dangerous side effects?
No. There are no side effects, only a relaxed feeling in the body.
43. Can I go to sleep during the session?
44. What if my husband/wife still smokes?
If the spouse still continues to smoke, you will need to encourage them to ask the husband/wife not to smoke in the home or please respect you desire to quit. Most of the time, the husband and wife will decide to stop together.
45. Can a friend or family member still be in the room
with me?
No. It is best for the client if no one is in the room with them during the time of the treatment. This will allow both the client and Therapist to focus on the treatment without interruption or distraction. Also if someone else is in the room; it may keep the client from being totally truthful with the Therapist.
46. Is there paperwork involved?
47. Do you give group discounts?
From time to time we have special offers. The owner of the franchise makes this decision.
48. I think I can smoke a few or choose the time to
have one and then put them back down.
No, it’s not possible. It’s every smoker’s dream to do this, but reality is that nicotine is a very addictive substance - 1 is one too many and 100 is not enough.
49. I developed Pleurisy right after I stopped
More than likely, you’ve already had the problem. You probably were already experiencing chest problems and by stopping smoking and allowing oxygen to get in and move the hairs about caused the problem to surface. Now you can focus on getting the problem treated. If you have not already, please consult your doctor. Pleurisy (PLOOR-iss-ee) is caused by swelling and irritation of the membrane that surrounds the lungs. It is usually a symptom of another illness. It is also called Pleuritic Chest Pain.
50. I developed nosebleeds after I stopped smoking.
It is common after you give up smoking to experience this. The most common cause of nosebleeds is dryness. As a former smoker, the membrane in the nose became very dry and crusty. As your lungs begin to clear out and the mucus flows, it may appear that your nose is bleeding. As with any condition, if the condition persists, consult your doctor.
51. I have the desire to taste a cigarette so much.
As your taste and smell increases, your desire to taste a cigarette will decrease. Focus on the positive - isn’t it nice to experience fresh breath.
52. How soon after smoking treatments do we start weight?
From the first session, you may add a few extra energy points for weight control and advise the client that we can begin a weight control Program approximately a week to 10 days after stopping.
53. Why do I have nightmares?
As your body begins the detox process and the nicotine leaves the body, it may cause nightmares.
54. Are my animals affected by smoking?
Yes, second hand cigarette smoke gets trapped in their nasal passages, increasing chances of nasal cancer. Animals who are around smokers have a 60% greater risk of developing lung cancer than those who are not exposed to second hand smoke
55. Does the addiction to the patch or nicotine gum
take more treatments? Why?
Yes, usually because the client has already reduced the nicotine intake and changed the routine. They disbelieve they’re still addicted and require more guidance to escape nicotine.
56. What about marijuana? Does treatment have the
same effect on marijuana smokers as it does on
cigarette smokers?
Yes, the treatment is very effective also for marijuana smokers, providing they want to stop.
57. What do I say to a client who smokes as normal
after the first treatment and does not want to continue
the Program?
You need to re-evaluate if client is ready to stop smoking. They obviously are not committed to the Program and may choose to restart at another time. It would not be an option to give to give them their money back.
58. How do I handle potential clients who call to request information and become very long winded? Be professional and patient, but gently bring conversation to a close.
59. Is the refunds?
No Refunds.
$50 cancellation fee for less than 24 hours notice
60. Is this treatment covered by my extended medical?
In some cases yes, but not all, but check with your provider, however; by simply seeing your doctor, getting a “prescription to quit smoking” (that reads “Quit smoking Cold Laser Therapy”, you can claim it on your income tax at the end of the year, in most cases getting it refunded back to you or lowering your tax payable
Jenna P-Kennedy
The leading provider of cold laser/PBM therapy treatment. Make a life changing appointment today !
We will bring you Physical and Mental and Emotional Well-Being to you and your loved ones.
Aiding, Assisting, & Supporting = Success